By Darin Fisher (VP of Chrome)
1. Web is Reach
- 2 billion chrome browsers
- Links (physical web)
- Polymon
- every tap lose 20% potential users
- mobile over desktop
- 60% 2G
2. Web is World-Wide
- Internet Users
- 720 million in China
- 30% growth in India in 2016
- 65% (860 million) in India not yet online
3. PWA (Progressive Web App)
3.1 Demo
- CNET demo
- offline
- Alibaba
- 76% higher conversions
- Single’s display
3.2 Reliable, Fast, Engaging
Service Worker API
- If you wound’t make eye contact with a stranger for the time it takes your web app to first paint, it’s too slow. – Monica Dinosaurescu
- 5 sec on 3G (http2 / Service Worker)
add to Home Screen
- 4x more often (Alibaba)
- yields 48% more installs
- look and feel native across Android
Push Notifications
- 18 billion push notifications sent daily
- 50,000 domains using push
- Carnival example
- 24% opt-in rate
- 40% open rate
- seamless sign-in
- -85% sign failure (AliExpress)
- +11% conversion (AliExpress)
- 10% increase in desktop login (Pinterest)
- Web Payment
4. Productivity
How developers make web better
- Lighthouse
- Real-world Condition Testing (Dev Tools)
- Security & Application Developer Tools
- Web Components & Polymer
- web components v1
- Polymer V2
- Polymer App Toolbox
- AMP (accelerated mobile pages)
5. Predictability
Improving the web for developers.
The Web should ‘Just Work’ for developers.
Make whole web works, and collaborate with other browser vendor
- browser bug search
- PWA Roadshow
- web assemble, web GL, web VR/AR, IoT