- Sundar Pichai (CEO)
- Scott Huffman(VP Engeneering, Assistant)
- Valerie Nagard (PM, Assistant)
- Rishi Chandra (VP, Home Products)
- Anil Sabharwal (VP, Photos)
- Susan Wojcicki (CEO, YouTube)
- Sarah Ali (Head of Living Room Products, YouTube)
- Barbara Macdonald (PM, YouTube)
- Dave Burke (VP Engeneering, Android),
- Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson (Director, PM, Android)
- Sameer Samat (VP, Android and Play)
- Clay Bavor (VP, Virual Reality)
视频地址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2VF8tmLFHw&spfreload=10#t=15.223129 (大约2小时)
1. 回顾
1.1 用户量(7大产品):1 Billion+ for 7 products
Google Search, Android, Chrome, YouTube, Map, Play, Mail
- YouTube - 1 Billion hours / day
- Map - Navigate 1 Billion km / day
- Google Drive - 800M+ Usrs, 3 Billion Objects / week (from 100M in 2013)
- Photos - 500M+ Users, 1.2 Billion Photos/ day
- Android - 2 Billion
2. 核心理念:Mobile First To AI First (using Machine Learning)
2.2 例子:smart reply
2.1 交互方面:
- Mouse & Keyboard (PC时代)
- Multi-touch (手机时代)
- Voice (语音识别 - 错词率:4.9%,可以识别房间中6个人)
- Vision (图像识别 - 错误率低于人类,Google Pixel)
- 通过图片(一张小男孩过生日的照片)识别出:小男孩、happy、party等关键词
- 自动去除人像前面的障碍物(铁丝网)
3. 新产品 & 新技术
3.1 Google Lens
- 识别花朵
- 识别路由器后面的wifi名称和密码,并自动上网
- 识别店铺,获取位置和相关信息
3.2 Cloud TPU - 下一代TPUs (Tensor Processing Units)
- powered Alpha Go
- Training & Inference
- TPU更擅长推断
- Cloud TPU 对训练和推断都做了优化
- 每块板子4个芯片
- 每块板子每秒可以处理 180 trillion floating point
- 板子之间可以组合起来(64块板子组合起来一个TPU pod,每个pod可以处理11.5petaflops)
- 命名其为Cloud TPU原因: through the Google Cloud Platform
- 成为了Google Compute Engine
3.3 Google.ai
- 致力于3个领域:research, tools (tensorflow & Cloud TPUs), applied AI
- research
- autoML: Learning to learn (搭建一个神经网络系统去学习建造另一个更好的神经网络系统) (P.S. 举了一个盗梦空间的例子 LoL)
- 例子:health care & pathology(病理学)诊断乳癌
- DNA Sequencing: identify遗传变异
- 预测化学分子性质
- AutoDraw
- autoML: Learning to learn (搭建一个神经网络系统去学习建造另一个更好的神经网络系统) (P.S. 举了一个盗梦空间的例子 LoL)
3.4 Google Assistant (By Scott Huffman)
A conversation with Google to get things done in your world
- Conversational
beyond the voice: 通过google lens识别图像,进行翻译和与语言处理,再和assistant进行对话(一个集成功能?)
例子:用google lens拍一个演唱会的牌子,assistant提示买票、加入日历等选项,并根据用户选择进行相应操作。 - Always Available
提供多种语言; - Ready to Help (By Valerie Nagard)
Actions on Google:
作为平台,提供第三方服务;- support transaction
例子:通过assistant点外卖付钱(不需要创建帐户、输入地址、绑卡等操作) - support smart home
- support transaction
3.5 Google Home (By Rishi Chandra)
- Proactive Assistance
- Hands-Free Calling (例子:call mom)
- Entertainment (接入更多音视频服务平台)
- Visual Response
- 发送地图到手机
- 通过对话,连接TV显示日程、天气
3.6 Google Photos (By Anil Sabharwal)
- Suggested Sharing (识别朋友的脸,询问是否发送给对方)
- Shared Libraries (识别出是拍摄了女儿的照片,自动共享给了妻子)
- Photo Books (自动筛选、去重照片,并制作成相册)
- 在照片中识别关键信息,并给出推荐操作(订票例子)
3.7 YouTube (By Susan Wojcicki)
- Everyone can upload and everyone can watch
- Two way Conversation
举了一个professor用一个comment帮助一个生来没有手指的小孩,通过3D打印机,重获新生的故事。(e-Nable network) - On-Demand on any screen
- 60%的观看时间通过mobile设备
- 每年90%的增长速度在living room products
- Living Room Product (By Sarah Ali)
YouTube 提供最大数据源、推荐系统、双向交互(语音控制)- 360deg in the living room
- Super Chat (By Barbara Macdonald) (live stream直播)
- Super Chat API
- Super Chat API
3.8 Android (By Dave Burke)
Android Wear 2.0, Android Auto, Android TV, Android Things, Chromebook, Google Play
3.8.1 Android O
- 两方面提升:
- Fluid Experiences
- Picture-in-picture
- Notification Dots
- Autofill with Google
- Smart Text Selection
- TensorflowLite
- Vitals (By Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson)
和重要性相关的四个方面:Batterylife, security, startup-time, stability- Security Enhancements
Google Play Protect - OS Optimizations
Twice as fast boot time
对后台运行系统做限制,省电、控制内存 - Developer Tools
Play Console Dashboards;
Android Studio Profilers
- Security Enhancements
- Fluid Experiences
- 新开发语言: Kotlin
3.8.2 Android Go (By Sameer Samat)
OS + Apps + Play
GO configuration
- Data Management & Savings
- Youtube GO - Offline Sharing
- Multilingual (多语言)
3.9 VR & AR (By Clay Bavor)
3.9.1 VR
- Daydream
三星S8于这个夏天最先支持 - Standalone VR
no cables, no phone, no PC- World-Sense
- 与HTC(vive), Lenovo合作
3.9.2 AR
- Tango
- 第二代:ASUS ZenFone AR
- VPS - Visual Position Service
- Google Expedition + AR
3.10 Tensorflow + everyone (By Sundar Pichai)
3.11 Google for jobs (By Sundar Pichai)
4. 会议相关
4.1 分论坛数:400 events & 参与人数:7000 audience
4.2 其他会议视频索引
4.2.1 Developer Keynote
详见:Google I/O 2017 (二)- Developer Keynote
4.2.2 Chrome and Web at Google I/O 2017 (27个)
看了一下整个的播放列表标题,和web相关的内容主要包括:PWA, Web Component, Web Assembly, V8, Polymer, DevTools, Web VR, Web Payment, Angular, Web Payment, Security等等
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYkxOF6rcICniLJ2rfj0FexlA-9zmJJE V8 引擎相关
详见:V8, Advanced JavaScript, & the Next Performance Frontier (Google I/O ‘17)
视频地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdFDJANJJLs web安全相关
详见:Learn Web Security with Google (Google I/O ‘17)
… 未完待续