- Jason Titus (VP, Developer Products)
- Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson (Director, PM, Android)
- Ellie Powers (Group PM, Android)
- Brad Abrams (Group PM, Assistant)
- Fei Fei Li (Chief Scientist, Cloud AI and ML)
- Tal Oppenheinmer (PM, Chrome)
- Ben Galbraith (Director, PM, Developer Product Group)
视频地址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2VF8tmLFHw&spfreload=10#t=15.223129 (大约52分钟)
1. 成果:
- Women Techmakers & GDG (Google Develop Group)
- Google Develop Certification
2. 产品 & 技术
2.1 Android (Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson)
20亿用户量 & 820亿app下载量 & 35%开发者拥有1百万下载量
2.1.1 Kotlin
- Adding Kotlin & Enhancing Existing
- Interoperable: keep your existing code
- Mature & production ready (Kotlin很成熟)
- IDE support (JetBrains)
演示:IDE把java的函数快速转换为Kotlin - Open Source
- 2场关于Kotlin的Talk
2.1.2 AS & Libraries
- Android Stutdio 3.0
- Profiler (callstack)
- Android Platform Support
- Architecture Components
- ViewModel
- Data Storage
- Lifecycle Management
2.1.3 App Quality & Success (By Ellie Powers) (?)
- Device Catalog & Device Targeting
2.1.4 Android Instant Apps (?)
- to Everyone
- Tools for Shrinking Instant App
2.2 Assistant - Actions on Google (By Brad Abrams)
- 更多平台支持
- New UI options
- Image Carousels
- Lists
- Suggestion Chips
- Voice, Typing & Tap
- Transactions Features
- Payments
- Seamless Account Linking
- Order Update
- App Directory(平台)
- shortcut
- Actions on Google Developer Console
- api.ai
- 更多语言、更多平台
2.3 AI (By Fei Fei Li)
- Cloud Vision, Speech, Job, Translation, Natural Language, Video Intelligence API
- TensorFlow 1.2
- 2nd, Tensor Processing Unit
底层兼容性好(CPU, GPU, TPU); - TensorFlow Research Cloud
2.3 Chrome (By Tal Oppenheinmer)
- AMP 2B+ Page & 900K+ Domain
- Payment request
- Credit
- Lighthouse: Performence展示更全
2.4 Firebase (By Ben Galbraith)
- Fabric + Firebase
- Cloud Functions for Firebase
- Firebase Hosting + Cloud Function
- Firebase Performance